– Seneca
Art House Co-op Canvas Project 2
3″ x 3″ Watercolors mounted onto Canvas
I thought it would be fun to share the paintings I did for Art House Co-op’s Canvas Project 2 last year. My words that I had to paint from are Destroyed, Giddy, Tenacious, Insolvent & Genteel. Can you guess which one is which?
I’m getting a bit of a late start this morning, because I went to the grocery store to stock up for the holiday weekend. When our little town goes from 2,500 to 25,000 people, places like the grocery store are a bit of an adventure. I like to go ahead and let the tourist have the town. I stock up early and when I’m off work, I head 13 miles out to the quiet comfort of the house. I am really glad they are here, don’t get me wrong. They are the life blood of our little economy. But… they are impatient and in full party mode and I may just be getting too old to jump right in the middle if them.
I hope that whatever plans you have for the holiday weekend are wonderful and safe. Happy 4th of July!
(born c. 4 BC, Corduba, Spain — died AD 65, Rome) Roman philosopher, statesman, and playwright. He was trained as an orator and began a career in politics and law in Rome c. AD 31. While banished to Corsica for adultery (41 – 49), he wrote the philosophical treatises Consolationes. He later became tutor to the future emperor Nero and from 54 to 62 was a leading intellectual figure in Rome. An adherent of Stoicism, he wrote other philosophical works, including Moral Letters, a collection of essays on moral problems. He also left a series of verse tragedies marked by violence and bloodshed, including Thyestes, Hercules, and Medea. His plays influenced the development of Elizabethan drama during the Renaissance, notably William Shakespeare’s Titus Andronicus (1593 – 94) and John Webster’s The Duchess of Malfi (c. 1613).
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