–Che Guevara
I’m Falling For You
2.5″ x 3.5″ Watercolor ATC
The name comes from the way he looks like he’s about to fall. The frog in the photo really was this color! Isn’t nature amazing?
I hope everyone who was celebrating Christmas had a nice weekend. I was sick all weekend, but we didn’t have any plans anyway, so the timing was probably good. I’m guessing it was just all the sugar I consumed last week. Sugar and I don’t get along so well.
Ernesto (Che) Guevara was born in Rosario in Argentine in 1928. After studying medicine at the University of Buenos Aires he worked as a doctor. While in Guatemala in 1954 he witnessed the socialist government of President Jacobo Arbenz overthrown by an American backed military coup. Disgusted by what he saw, Guevara decided to join the Cuban revolutionary, Fidel Castro, in Mexico. More….
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