– Gloria Steinem
Christmas Egret
Watercolor & Ink
It’s weird to think about Christmas, but we are waiting for the mother of all storms to hit our area (and many of yours) tonight. I have been running around this morning gathering provisions and getting prepared. Then, I discovered I had a flat tire, so my truck is now at the tire shop. It has been a crazy morning.
My flight on Saturday was wonderful! I flew from Muskogee to Fort Smith, then to McAlester and back to Muskogee. I had my CFI with me, but it was still good. I now have an endorsement in my log book that allows me to fly solo in Muskogee or McAlester, and points in between! YAY!!!
I hope that wherever you are during the coming storm, you are safe and warm.
Gloria Steinem
Social activist, writer, editor, and lecturer. Born on March 25, 1934, in Toledo, Ohio. Since the late 1960s, Gloria Steinem has been an outspoken champion of women’s rights. She had an unusual upbringing, spending part of the year in Michigan and the winters in Florida or California. With all this traveling, Steinem did not attend school on a regular basis until she was 11. More….