When we seek to see the Spirit in others in this way, strangers as well as friends, we are taking the first and very necessary step to becoming aware of that Spirit. In many cultures, looking into other people’s eyes is the highest honor we can pay them. Becoming committed to doing this, increases our peace of mind while showing others that they matter to us, too. Honoring others in this way may not feel natural at first, but if they have crossed our path, this is what we have been called to do.”
– Karen Casey
I really like that!
Super Hawk – 5″ x 6″ Watercolor & Sharpie
I don’t know if I would be looking into this fellow’s eyes, trying to see his spirit. he he I painted him from a photo by Lin (oldrockchick) at WetCanvas. Of course you know that he wasn’t really wearing his super hero uniform in the photo.
Karen Casey
Karen Casey, Ph.D., a Naples, FL resident since 1991, published Each Day a New Beginning, her first book, in 1982. This daily meditation book for women in recovery has sold more than 3 million copies. The 25-year Anniversary edition of Each Day a New Beginning was released in August, 2006. It was closely followed by The Promise of a New Day, in 1983, another daily meditation book for both men and women in search of serenity. It has sold more than 1.2 million copies. Following on the heels of these two books,
Karen has written 23 additional books. Let Go Now: Embracing Detachment was published last October. Peace A Day At a Time, was published in February of 2011. Her memoir, My Story to Yours, which will be published as an ebook and available on amazon, along with Hazelden, and will be available as a book too in October of 2011. Additional books are on the way. Watch for Getting Unstuck, a workbook that is a companion to Change Your Mind and Your Life will Follow, in the spring of 2012. The books will continue. Keep checking this website.
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