A Lovely, Historic Eufaula Home – 8″ x 10″ Ink
I really love that quote. Have you ever turned to the RFD channel and watched Big Joe’s Polka Show? Yes…. I have, though it’s not something that generally comes up in conversation. he he The hubby and I were noticing that the steps to polka are basically like skipping. Do you remember skipping when you were a kid? Skipping was always a happy thing to do. So, next time you are flipping around the channels and you see someone doing the polka, stop for just a minute and you’ll see what I mean.
This home has a lot of history. It was built in 1938. It’s really beautiful, too. I hope to get it painted this weekend. If any of you local Eufaula folks know what the significance is of the circle of rocks in the front yard, please tell me about it in the comment section. The current owner knows it means something, but she doesn’t know just what that is. There is a big round rock in the center with small round rocks around it.
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