look down to test the ground before taking your next step; only he who
keeps his eye fixed on the far horizon will find the right road.”
– Dag Hammarskjöld

Copyright Beth Parker Art 2013
What is that cat up to?
I think he’s yawning, feigning boredom,
to lure that mouse into a false sense of security. Or maybe he’s an
opera singing cat… serenading that mouse. He is in Bethville,
About Dag Hammarskjöld
Hammarskjöld, a Noble Peace Prize winner, was a diplomat who
strengthened the United Nations’ peacekeeping mission. Born in Sweden in
1905, he followed his father’s footsteps into national government,
where he coined the term “planned economy” before becoming a delegate to
the U.N. and a two-time secretary-general. He negotiated the release of
Americans captured by the Chinese in the Korean War, worked to resolve
the Suez Canal crisis, and was on a mission to the Congo when his plane
crashed in 1961, killing all aboard.
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