~Dr. Robert Lopatin
8" x 10" Watercolor
I tried a few new things on this painting. I combined two different photo references, while keeping them separate in a way. This was the second time I had tried this technique, using a geometric shape as a part of the painting. I also used regular gauze, that we all have around the house, to get the relief in the foreground. I cut some gauze and stretched it out and laid it on the paper. I then used some Daniel Smith durochrome watercolor, pretty thick, on the gauze. I let it dry and removed the gauze. I painted the fence posts last.
Here is another one, where I used the gauze and geometric shape.
5" x 7" Watercolor
I was trying to make the rectangle blend, and not blend, with the background. It's fun to get totally absorbed in something new!
Today's quote came from Sally Evans, Embracing Creativity.
I love both of those pictures...I am going to try this with acrylics.
Thank you, Vickie! Let me know how it turns out.
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