"If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
– Lao-Tzu

Mega Frolic4" x 5" Watercolor
This boat portrait was done for my husband, for our 7th anniversary, tomorrow. I hope he likes it.
About Lao-Tzu
The ancient Chinese philosopher Lao-Tzu is believed to have lived in the
4th century B.C. Little is known about him, but it is likely that he wrote the
Tao te Ching, the foundation of Taoist philosophy, and engaged
Confucius in debate, honing both men's belief systems. His name means either "old master" or the "old child," and one legend says he was born with white hair after spending 80 years in his mother's womb.
Love the picture...and the quote....just blogged on one of my sites about economy and making our own economy. www.suitetwentytwo.com
I see you are taking the Multiple Streams of Income class...I am loving it...really has me thinking and revamping some of my ways and ideas of doing things.
Thanks Vickie! The quote really seems to go with the Multiple Streams class, doesn't it? I am loving it, too. I'm off to go check out your blog post. :)
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