– Confucius
Football With A Face
Baby Crowned Lemur
5″ x 7″ Watercolor on Strathmore cold press
Sorry, but after I painted this critter, all I could see is a football with a face.
It is so hot in Oklahoma right now that perhaps my brain cells are getting a little toasty around the edges. We’ve had a long streak of heat indexes around 108F. I have a flying lesson tonight and when it’s this hot, there are thermals coming up from the ground that bounce the plane all over the place. When I’m coming in for a landing and all of the sudden the plane pops 100 ft in to the air, it’s a little startling! (sometimes a woohoo escapes my lips) Oh, and I might mention that there is no air conditioning in my little trainer either. The fun just never ends!
I’m gonna close my eyes for a moment and pretend I’m in Idaho.
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