–Martin Seligman
Underpainting my new Tryptic – Three 12″ x 24″ Gallery Wrapped Canvases
After I draw the chalk lines, I lay down an underpainting, using Golden Fluid Acrylics. I paint right up to, but not over, all the chalk lines. After the entire underpainting is dry, I wipe all the chalk lines off with a damp cloth. That gives me the black outlines. This stage is a little tedious, but it’s really fun to watch it develop.
Yesterday, I took 12 paintings over to Our Favorite Place, Eufaula’s new gallery. It is so exciting! They are planning a soft opening on April 9th. No party or anything, just yet. I think she wants to work all the bugs out first. The owner of the gallery, Karen Weldin, doesn’t know anything about owning a gallery and she is not an artist. She has pulled together an awesome committee of artists and people experienced with running a gallery, to help her put her dream in motion. She bought the building last year and knew it was meant for something special. (She’s right!) The 100 year old building has been undergoing a complete restoration, bringing it back to it’s former glory. There are some photos on their website and I’ll take more when all the art is hung.
Authentic Happiness is the homepage of Dr. Martin Seligman, Director of the Positive Psychology Center at the University of Pennsylvania and founder of positive psychology, a branch of psychology which focuses on the empirical study of such things as positive emotions, strengths-based character, and healthy institutions.
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