There are no ideas that are totally tapped down,
no ideology is adequate to the task of this time.
So it is a time for really alive, innovative people.
I have my oar in the water with everyone else.
I am rowing in the direction I can….
It is great to be alive!”
– Fran Peavey
Auntie Faye’s 4″ x 6″ Postcard – Without the Sock Monkey
The sock monkey is actually a little town marketing thing we got wrapped up in. I don’t begrudge the folks at Auntie Faye’s for their decision to take it out for the postcard. I’m just happy that I know how! Yay Photoshop and Tara Reed’s tutorial that I purchased a couple years ago.
I love today’s quote! It came from Ruth Fishel’s little book Wrinkles Don’t Hurt – Daily Meditations on the Joy of Aging Mindfully. I love that book!!
Fran Peavey has worked in many fields: college professor, taxi driver, junior high teacher, comedian. For 30 years she has been working as a human rights campaigner, comedian, and social change worker. “For more than half her life…Peavey has been at the barricades, challenging the status quo, trying to build a new culture of peaceful co-operation and social justice…Fran Peavey reminds that ordinary people can make a difference.” David Leser, in “Good Weekend”Fomerly a member of the world renowned Atomic Comics, she teaches “heart politics to social changeworkers around the world. (copied bio info from
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