– Pablo Picasso
Copyright Beth Parker Art 2013
Thank You!
painted this for my new friends, Val & Mary Easley. They have been
friends of my hubby’s for decades, but I just met them.
drove to Clinton, OK this weekend and spent time with this wonderful
couple. Mary is a die-hard crafter. She has a sewing room that made
me drool! Then, outside is another whole building where she crafts all
kinds of things. I loved seeing all that, but more than anything, Val
and Mary are two of the nicest people I have ever met. Val is almost 82
and Mary is a young chickie of 72 and they have been married for 31
years. They were awesome!
you follow this blog, you may have noticed that I have been missing in
action. I’m still here, but I have had to exercise some self restraint,
where the computer is concerned. I’ve been so busy in my sign shop
that it has had to come first. It’s amazing how much I can get done
when I don’t spend the first 2 hours of my day on blogging and social
media. Since 2007, I have blogged 5 days a week. I’m just going to cut
that back to maybe once a week. I am going to try anyway. I love
doing this and I love being part of a larger art family, for sure.
I am still painting every morning between 5-6 am. That will never stop.
About Pablo Picasso
Pablo Picasso, the Spanish painter at the forefront of Cubism, is perhaps best known for his painting Guernica,
which depicts the hopelessness and violence of war. The masterpiece
hung in the Museum of Modern Art in New York until democracy was
restored in Spain; the painting was then sent home, where it hangs now
at Reina Sofí a, Spain’s national museum of modern art. Born in Spain in
1881, Picasso spent his adult life in France. Although he’s known for
his abstract paintings, his realistic work, particularly his Blue
Period, was equally accomplished. He loved to be surrounded by friends
and had multiple love affairs. He died in 1973.