Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Eve - Party Frog Painting

“Man can only become what he is able to consciously imagine.”
– Dane Rudhyar


Party Frog
2.5″ x 3.5″ ATC

You had to know I’d have a party frog in my collection.  I cut this little watercolor frog out and glued him on to an ATC that I dabbled dimensional acrylic paint onto.

I hope everyone has a safe New Year’s Eve, followed by the most joyful 2011 that you can stand!

I don’t really do New Year’s resolutions.  I have spent the last 100 days working on my goals and putting everything in place for an amazing 2011.  It has been rewarding and eye opening.  I’m especially working on my focus.  I sometimes have so many things going on at once that I focus on nothing.  I plan to rotate tasks, rather than multi-task,  to give each day a better concentrated attention to the things that are important.

How about you?  Resolutions?

About Dane Rudhyar

Dane Rudhyar was a respected modernist composer as well as a pioneering modern psychological astrologer. He was born in Paris in 1895 as Daniel Chennevière and immigrated to the United States in the early 1900′s. His music utilizes dissonant harmony; he claimed to be inspired by the cadence of speech. His work influenced a group of composers known as the ultramodernists. He also wrote a number of astrology books, including the seminal Astrology of Personality. He died in 1985.


Vickie/ said...


I like the idea of rotating tasks instead of multi-tasking. That sounds more reminds me of advice/resources that Holli Conger has been sharing during December on her blog.

Happy New Year!

Vickie/ said...


I like the idea of rotating tasks instead of multi-tasking. That sounds more reminds me of advice/resources that Holli Conger has been sharing during December on her blog.

Happy New Year!

Vickie/ said...


I like the idea of rotating tasks instead of multi-tasking. That sounds more reminds me of advice/resources that Holli Conger has been sharing during December on her blog.

Happy New Year!

Beth said...

Thanks, Vickie! I need to go check out Holli Conger now. (There goes my focus! he he he)

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