--Gretta Brooker Palmer
Self-centeredness aggravates the natural flow of circumstances surrounding us; too much attention on ourselves distorts whatever might be troubling us. However, focusing on others' needs diminishes what we'd perceived as our own pressing need. This is a simple principle we might all consider adopting.
None of us is free of problems. That's one of life's givens. Through their resolution we grow and ready ourselves for the next group of challenges. Each group we survive enables us to offer better assistance to someone else who will confront a similar problem. Perhaps we'd do well to see all our problems as preparation for guiding someone who will come into our life. Helping someone else is certain to lift spirits and foster happiness, but the unexpected reward is that the helper reaps even greater benefits than the one helped.
My happiness is guaranteed if I help someone else find it today.
by Karen Casey and Martha Vanceburgfrom the book, The Promise of a New Day
5" x 8" Sennilier Oil Pastel on Black Paper
Okay, pastel is quite a departure from my normal work, but I have seen some beautiful art done in pastel. I am not comfortable with them, but have tried them from time to time. I usually blend the OPs, but for some reason, I liked the colorful strokes in this.
The Promise of a New Day
One of the World's Most Popular Collections of Daily Wisdom...
To Help You Make the Most of Each and Every Day
Karen Casey is the best-selling author of Each Day a New Beginning: Daily Meditations for Practicing the Course, Keepers of the Wisdom, and numerous other books. She has also written two books for girls: Girls Only! and Girl to Girl. Her signature book, Each Day a New Beginning, has sold three million copies. Karen enjoys golfing and riding her Harley with her husband. She lives in
A graduate of the
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