The good news is that when we expect better experiences, we’ll also find them. How does this work? Surely it requires more than just believing. But it really doesn’t. When we look for the good in every situation, we quite selectively see it. Making the choice to live this way means we’ll regularly see opportunities for opening doors to better lives.”
–Karen Casey
So true!!!
Sunday in Eufaula is the peak date (according to for the monarch population here (Latitude 35), as they migrate to Mexico. Keep your eyes open, as the population will be smaller than usual, due to weather extremes over the last several years.
Beach Babes – 4″ x 6″ Watercolor
You may remember seeing this before. In honor of the monarchs, I was searching through my stash for a painting of a butterfly and I don’t seem to have one… so I am giving you a painting of some butts in stead.
Saturday is Eufaula Art Walk and Car Show. I’ll be at the Main Street Studio from 8-11 am, so stop by and say hello if you get a chance.
Have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend.
Karen Casey, Ph.D., a Naples, FL resident since 1991, published Each Day a New Beginning, her first book, in 1982. This daily meditation book for women in recovery has sold more than 3 million copies. The 25-year Anniversary edition of Each Day a New Beginning was released in August, 2006. It was closely followed by The Promise of a New Day, in 1983, another daily meditation book for both men and women in search of serenity. It has sold more than 1.2 million copies. Following on the heels of these two books, Karen has written 22 additional books with more on the way. In fall, 2005 she published CHANGE YOUR MIND AND YOUR LIFE WILL FOLLOW. In April of 2006 she published ALL WE HAVE IS ALL WE NEED and she published three more books in 2007. SERENITY was released in March. BE WHO YOU WANT TO BE, in April and in December, a companion book to CHANGE YOUR MIND AND YOUR LIFE WILL FOLLOW, called ITS UP TO YOU: A PRACTICE TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE BY CHANGING YOUR MIND. In late July, 2010, LET GO NOW: EMBRACING DETACHMENT was released. Currently Karen is working on her memoir.
Karen is married, a grandmother, an occasional golfer, and an avid bridge player. She and her husband, Joe, own a home on Prior Lake which is adjacent to Minneapolis, and they recently built a log cabin outside of Lafayette, Indiana which is her home town.