“A man can do only what he can do. But if he does that each day he can sleep at night and do it again the next day.”
– Albert Schweitzer
Merry Christmas from Lake Eufaula - 4″ x 6″ Watercolor Postcard
Have a very Merry Christmas!
About Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer, the German medical missionary, won the 1952 Nobel
Peace Prize for his humanitarian work at a hospital in French Equatorial
Africa, where he treated and operated on thousands of people, including
hundreds of people afflicted with leprosy. He was also an organist,
famous for his interpretation of J.S. Bach’s music. Late in life, he
worked with Albert Einstein and Bertrand Russell against nuclear
proliferation. He was born in 1875 in Kaysersberg and died in 1965.
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Merry Christmas from Lake Eufaula
Monday, December 23, 2013
My Watercolor Christmas Postcard This Year
“It is the heart always that sees before the head can see.”
– Thomas Carlyle
– Thomas Carlyle
My Christmas Postcard This Year
Have yourselves a very Merry Christmas!
About Thomas Carlyle
historian Thomas Carlyle is best known for his biographies of Frederick
the Great and the German playwright Schiller. He was born in 1795. The
first draft of his acclaimed two-volume work, The French Revolution,
was accidentally burned by his friend John Stuart Mill’s maid; he
rewrote it from scratch and imbued the rewrite with more passion and
immediacy than was common at the time. This made his writing very
popular in Victorian England. He died in 1881.
Friday, December 20, 2013
A House Portrait - My Big Brother’s Christmas Card
“The most successful people are often very intuitive.
Consciously or unconsciously, they follow their gut feelings. Following
intuition puts us in the flow – a very alive, productive, and desirable
~ Shakti Gawain
My Big Brother’s Christmas Card – His House Portrait
I was so excited to get my brother’s Christmas card yesterday. I painted this portrait of his house as a surprise when I visited him in Idaho in August. It brought tears to his eyes then… and to my eyes last night when I opened the card. I really love what they did for their card. It made my Christmas. (Love you Dine & Cari!)
It sure has been a long time since I posted here. Of course I’ve been busy at the sign shop, but I also have been preparing collections for art licensing and I’m saving the reveal of those until later. I’m headed to Atlanta in a few weeks and am excited about my trip to AmericasMart Home & Gift show. I was there a couple years ago, but got temporarily way-layed by that whole flying thing. I am now excited and back to business!
I hope you are all having a wonderful holiday time and are avoiding all the stress that comes with it. My hubby has recently had a hip replacement, so we are laying low and having a quiet Christmas. No stress there.
Shakti has written numerous books considered classics in her field. Her distinguished publishing history includes best sellers Creative Visualization, Living in the Light, The Path of Transformation, Four Levels of Healing, Creating True Prosperity, and Developing Intuition. Her books have sold over 10 million copies and have been translated into more than thirty languages. She is the co-founder, with Marc Allen, of New World Library Publishing Company.
She has appeared on such nationally syndicated programs as The Oprah Winfrey Show, Good Morning America, Sonya Live, The Larry King Show, The Leeza Show, America’s Talking and New Dimensions Radio, and has been featured in New Woman, New Age Journal, and Time Magazine.
Through her seminars and her books, Shakti helps people heal and develop all levels of their being — spiritual, mental, emotional, physical — and access their intuitive inner wisdom. Sharing the ideas and practices that have helped her the most in her own life, she guides others on their path to living more consciously. She facilitates us in finding deeper meaning and purpose through developing our unique gifts and abilities.
Shakti is a passionate environmentalist, who believes that as we bring more awareness to our daily lives, we can learn to live in balance on our planet.
She and her husband Jim Burns, live in Mill Valley, California.
~ Shakti Gawain
copyright Beth Parker Art 2013
I was so excited to get my brother’s Christmas card yesterday. I painted this portrait of his house as a surprise when I visited him in Idaho in August. It brought tears to his eyes then… and to my eyes last night when I opened the card. I really love what they did for their card. It made my Christmas. (Love you Dine & Cari!)
It sure has been a long time since I posted here. Of course I’ve been busy at the sign shop, but I also have been preparing collections for art licensing and I’m saving the reveal of those until later. I’m headed to Atlanta in a few weeks and am excited about my trip to AmericasMart Home & Gift show. I was there a couple years ago, but got temporarily way-layed by that whole flying thing. I am now excited and back to business!
I hope you are all having a wonderful holiday time and are avoiding all the stress that comes with it. My hubby has recently had a hip replacement, so we are laying low and having a quiet Christmas. No stress there.
Shakti Gawain
Shakti is a pioneer in the field of personal development. For over twenty-five years, she has been a best-selling author and internationally renowned teacher of consciousness. Shakti has facilitated thousands of individuals in developing greater awareness, balance and wholeness in their lives.Shakti has written numerous books considered classics in her field. Her distinguished publishing history includes best sellers Creative Visualization, Living in the Light, The Path of Transformation, Four Levels of Healing, Creating True Prosperity, and Developing Intuition. Her books have sold over 10 million copies and have been translated into more than thirty languages. She is the co-founder, with Marc Allen, of New World Library Publishing Company.
She has appeared on such nationally syndicated programs as The Oprah Winfrey Show, Good Morning America, Sonya Live, The Larry King Show, The Leeza Show, America’s Talking and New Dimensions Radio, and has been featured in New Woman, New Age Journal, and Time Magazine.
Through her seminars and her books, Shakti helps people heal and develop all levels of their being — spiritual, mental, emotional, physical — and access their intuitive inner wisdom. Sharing the ideas and practices that have helped her the most in her own life, she guides others on their path to living more consciously. She facilitates us in finding deeper meaning and purpose through developing our unique gifts and abilities.
Shakti is a passionate environmentalist, who believes that as we bring more awareness to our daily lives, we can learn to live in balance on our planet.
She and her husband Jim Burns, live in Mill Valley, California.
Monday, September 30, 2013
Thank You!
“I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it.”
– Pablo Picasso
Copyright Beth Parker Art 2013
Thank You!
painted this for my new friends, Val & Mary Easley. They have been
friends of my hubby’s for decades, but I just met them.
drove to Clinton, OK this weekend and spent time with this wonderful
couple. Mary is a die-hard crafter. She has a sewing room that made
me drool! Then, outside is another whole building where she crafts all
kinds of things. I loved seeing all that, but more than anything, Val
and Mary are two of the nicest people I have ever met. Val is almost 82
and Mary is a young chickie of 72 and they have been married for 31
years. They were awesome!
you follow this blog, you may have noticed that I have been missing in
action. I’m still here, but I have had to exercise some self restraint,
where the computer is concerned. I’ve been so busy in my sign shop
that it has had to come first. It’s amazing how much I can get done
when I don’t spend the first 2 hours of my day on blogging and social
media. Since 2007, I have blogged 5 days a week. I’m just going to cut
that back to maybe once a week. I am going to try anyway. I love
doing this and I love being part of a larger art family, for sure.
I am still painting every morning between 5-6 am. That will never stop.
About Pablo Picasso
Pablo Picasso, the Spanish painter at the forefront of Cubism, is perhaps best known for his painting Guernica,
which depicts the hopelessness and violence of war. The masterpiece
hung in the Museum of Modern Art in New York until democracy was
restored in Spain; the painting was then sent home, where it hangs now
at Reina Sofí a, Spain’s national museum of modern art. Born in Spain in
1881, Picasso spent his adult life in France. Although he’s known for
his abstract paintings, his realistic work, particularly his Blue
Period, was equally accomplished. He loved to be surrounded by friends
and had multiple love affairs. He died in 1973.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Rusty Old Truck Layered into Posey Park Painting
“I’ve learned that people whill forget what you said, people will
forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them
– Dr. Maya Angelou
Rusty Old Truck
I painted this from a reference photo by Skappy at WetCanvas. I left the background empty on purpose, so I could do this….
Maya Angelou
Dr. Maya Angelou is a remarkable Renaissance woman who is hailed as one of the great voices of contemporary literature. As a poet, educator, historian, best-selling author, actress, playwright, civil-rights activist, producer and director, she continues to travel the world, spreading her legendary wisdom. Within the rhythm of her poetry and elegance of her prose lies Angelou’s unique power to help readers of every orientation span the lines of race. Angelou captivates audiences through the vigor and sheer beauty of her words and lyrics.
– Dr. Maya Angelou
Rusty Old Truck
I painted this from a reference photo by Skappy at WetCanvas. I left the background empty on purpose, so I could do this….
Maya Angelou
Dr. Maya Angelou is a remarkable Renaissance woman who is hailed as one of the great voices of contemporary literature. As a poet, educator, historian, best-selling author, actress, playwright, civil-rights activist, producer and director, she continues to travel the world, spreading her legendary wisdom. Within the rhythm of her poetry and elegance of her prose lies Angelou’s unique power to help readers of every orientation span the lines of race. Angelou captivates audiences through the vigor and sheer beauty of her words and lyrics.
beth parker,
building portrait,
daily affirmations,
Maya Angelou,
Posey Park,
Monday, September 23, 2013
Zentangle and the Orange Alpaca – 4″ x 6″ Watercolor
“Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor.”
– Truman Capote
– Truman Capote
Silly Little Orange Alpaca – 4″ x 6″ Watercolor
Mary Y. over at WetCanvas
posted the cutest little Alpaca youngster on her WDE a couple weeks
ago. I painted this from her photo. In fact, the Halloween Cat
was also from her WDE. Of course it was a white cat. I’m sure Mary
won’t mind her white critters becoming orange. She knows what happens
at Bethville.
About Truman Capote
The flamboyant American author Truman Capote is best known for his book In Cold Blood,
the true story of the murder of a wealthy Kansas family. Written in a
literary style, it spawned the creative nonfiction genre. Born in New
Orleans in 1924 and raised by relatives in Alabama, Capote moved to New
York when he was nine to live with his mother. He was a larger-than-life
personality, known for his colorful attire, his lisping voice, and his
outrageous statements. He died in 1984.
beth parker,
daily affirmations,
Truman Capote,
Monday, September 16, 2013
This Orange Cat (too early) for Halloween!
2 Easy Steps to Remembering You Are WORTH It!
Hayley Hobson | September 14, 2013 | Living1. You Set the Bar. You got it. You do. You get to determine what you’re worth. Now, don’t become a complete diva, but make a list and write down what you feel you deserve. And once you’ve compiled it, put it in a place you can see it and live by it. Treat yourself the way you want others to treat you. Let them follow by example.
2. Value Yourself. Interpretation: stop hanging around with deadbeats who are bringing you down. Stop lugging around the extra baggage. Surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you; let go of those that are not allowing you to grow.
Such great advice!!!
A Bit Too Early for Halloween!
I couldn’t help myself. I drew the cat and the rest of it just kept coming. Sorry for being so early. “D
Hayley Hobson
Hayley Hobson is an author, speaker, business coach, yogi, Pilates and holistic nutritional expert based in Boulder, CO. Hayley creates lifestyle transformations by coaching her clients to strengthen, nourish and evolve through the cycles and shifts in life. Combining cutting edge understanding in all three disciplines due to years of anatomical study and dietary theory, Hayley’s approach leverages their blended benefits and results. Her unique and intelligent style promotes strengthening while softening–empowering her client’s to heal not only their physical bodies, but their hearts and minds as well. Hayley studied at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, continues her studies with David Wolfe, raw food expert and is an essential oil expert in her own right. She is a doTERRA Certified Oil Diamond Director and a Pangea Organics Beauty Ecologist.Her insights and articles can also be found on her blog, Mindbodygreen, Elephant Journal, Masters Shift and Islaorganics. She has also been featured in Pilates Style magazine, Natural Health magazine andTriathlete Magazine. She has fun running and playing in the mountains with her husband, former world-ranked triathlete, Wes Hobson and their two beautiful daughters, Makenna and Madeline . To learn more about her nutritional courses, events she’s hosting and custom programs go to hayleyhobson.com or follow her on Facebook or Twitter or Pinterest.
beth parker,
daily affirmations,
Hayley Hobson,
Friday, September 13, 2013
Hey... What is that cat up to?
look down to test the ground before taking your next step; only he who
keeps his eye fixed on the far horizon will find the right road.”
– Dag Hammarskjöld
– Dag Hammarskjöld
What is that cat up to?.
I think he’s yawning, feigning boredom, to lure that mouse into a false sense of security. Or maybe he’s an opera singing cat… serenading that mouse. He is in Bethville, afterall.
About Dag Hammarskjöld
Hammarskjöld, a Noble Peace Prize winner, was a diplomat who
strengthened the United Nations’ peacekeeping mission. Born in Sweden in
1905, he followed his father’s footsteps into national government,
where he coined the term “planned economy” before becoming a delegate to
the U.N. and a two-time secretary-general. He negotiated the release of
Americans captured by the Chinese in the Korean War, worked to resolve
the Suez Canal crisis, and was on a mission to the Congo when his plane
crashed in 1961, killing all aboard.
beth parker,
Dag Hammarskjöld,
daily affirmations,
opera singer,
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Brand New Eufaula Postcard
“Believe that dreams and miracles happen every day. You
also have to acknowledge that you’ve already experienced countless big
and tiny miracles in your own life. Acknowledge how much you have to be
grateful for and be grateful that you have so much to offer.”
New Eufaula Postcard
I have these on order and should receive them Monday. I’m going to do more designs, but this is the one I have sent in so far. They will be available at Our Favorite Place in Eufaula.
Rebekah “Bex” Borucki, founder of BEXLIFE™ and the BLISSED IN™ wellness movement, is a mother-of-four, TV host, fitness and yoga instructor, popular YouTuber, and backyard farmer raising backyard chickens and growing her own organic garden.
–Bex Borucki
New Eufaula Postcard
I have these on order and should receive them Monday. I’m going to do more designs, but this is the one I have sent in so far. They will be available at Our Favorite Place in Eufaula.
Rebekah “Bex” Borucki, founder of BEXLIFE™ and the BLISSED IN™ wellness movement, is a mother-of-four, TV host, fitness and yoga instructor, popular YouTuber, and backyard farmer raising backyard chickens and growing her own organic garden.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
A Happy Orange Alien
Every failure, obstacle, or
hardship is an opportunity in disguise. Success in many cases is
failure turned inside out. The greatest pollution problem we face today
is negativity. Eliminate the negative attitude and believe you can do
anything. Replace “if I can, I hope, maybe” with “I can, I will, I must.”
– Mary Kay Ash
Happy Alien – 4″ x 6″ Watercolor
I know… Bethville is a very strange place! I can’t help the stuff that happens there.
Mary Kay Ash
Mary Kay Ash earned a place in history when she stepped out in a man’s world to blaze a new path for women. Recognized today as America’s greatest woman entrepreneur, Mary Kay created new opportunities for women around the world. Her revolutionary move led to a multibillion-dollar success. In the process, she earned a place in the hearts of millions for her giving spirit, unwavering values and inspiring belief in the power and potential of women. This site invites you to celebrate her remarkable story. It pays tribute to her life and her legacy, which continues to burn brightly through the countless lives she touched.
– Mary Kay Ash
Happy Alien – 4″ x 6″ Watercolor
I know… Bethville is a very strange place! I can’t help the stuff that happens there.
Mary Kay Ash
Mary Kay Ash earned a place in history when she stepped out in a man’s world to blaze a new path for women. Recognized today as America’s greatest woman entrepreneur, Mary Kay created new opportunities for women around the world. Her revolutionary move led to a multibillion-dollar success. In the process, she earned a place in the hearts of millions for her giving spirit, unwavering values and inspiring belief in the power and potential of women. This site invites you to celebrate her remarkable story. It pays tribute to her life and her legacy, which continues to burn brightly through the countless lives she touched.
beth parker,
daily affirmations,
mary kay,
Mary Kay Ash,
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Stripedy Moose in Zentangle Inspired Forest
“If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.”
– Lao Tzu
– Lao Tzu
Moose in Zentangle Inspired Forest
have to admit… this is one of my favorite paintings, ever. It just
flowed from me while I was in my little A-Frame cabin in Idaho. I had
plans on the day I was working on this, to go up to Grand Targhee resort
and have lunch, but I couldn’t pull myself away from this painting. I
stayed at it until it was done. I really loved the whole process and I
think this may have to become a large acrylic painting. Of course, the
problem with that…. a moose painting is unlikely to sell in our local
gallery, since it’s all about Oklahoma. No dang moose herds roaming
around Oklahoma.
About Lao Tzu
ancient Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu is believed to have lived in the
4th century B.C. Little is known about him, but it is likely that he
wrote the Tao te Ching, the foundation of Taoist philosophy, and
engaged Confucius in debate, honing both men’s belief systems. His name
means either “old master” or the “old child,” and one legend says he was
born with white hair after spending 80 years in his mother’s womb.
beth parker,
daily affirmations,
Monday, September 9, 2013
Zentangle Buffalo
do believe it is possible to create, even without ever writing a word
or painting a picture, by simply molding one’s inner life. And that too
is a deed.”
– Etty Hillesum
– Etty Hillesum
Zentangle Buffalo
When in Idaho…. yeah, I was
having fun painting the local flavor. I was content to hang out in my
cabin, painting from my Bethville brain. I’ve been having fun with this
particular twist on my usual style. Each painting takes a really long
time, though.
About Etty Hillesum
Hillesum, less famous than her contemporary, Anne Frank, lived a short
life of great courage. She was born in 1914 in the Netherlands to a
Dutch father and a Russian mother. She studied law, Slavic languages,
and psychology. Hungry for knowledge, she cut down on food in order to
buy books. She went voluntarily to the Westerbork camp to help fellow
Jews interned by the Nazis. Her letters detail her experiences; her more
meditative diary focuses on issues of faith. She died at Auschwitz in
beth parker,
daily affirmations,
etty hillesum,
Friday, September 6, 2013
Flowerdy Bear in Idaho
“Character may be manifested in the great moments, but it is made in the small ones.”
– Phillips Brooks
.– Phillips Brooks
Flowerdy Bear
I’m thinking maybe this is a bear cub. Certainly doesn’t look intimidating. It’s possible it has been shunned by all the other bears because of his flowers… kinda like Rudolph and that red nose. But that’s too sad to think about, so I’ll go with the vinyl wrap theory. No matter what… he’s certainly found his way into Bethville!
About Phillips Brooks
Brooks, the American clergyman now mostly known for writing the words
to the Christmas song, “O Little Town of Bethlehem,” was one of the most
influential ministers of his time, with his sermons reprinted in major
newspapers. He delivered the eulogy at Abraham Lincoln’s funeral. Born
in Boston in 1835, he spent most of his life there as overseer of
Harvard University, rector of Trinity Church, and bishop of
Massachusetts. He died in 1893, and the day of his funeral was declared
an official day of mourning.
beth parker,
daily affirmations,
Phillip Brooks,
Thursday, September 5, 2013
A Fly By - A Little 4" x 6" Watercolor
“Always behave like a duck — keep calm and unruffled on the surface but paddle like the devil underneath.”
– Jacob Braude
– Jacob Braude
A Fly By – 4″ x 6″ Watercolor
Of course I have to paint
during airport layovers. I filed this image away in my brain on the way
to Denver, then started the painting while waiting for my flight to
Idaho Falls. I didn’t paint on the planes this trip because I was at
the tail end of a good book. I was reading The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini. It was a really good read. I finished it on the way from Idaho Falls to Denver and bought John Grisham’s new book, The Racketeer – A Novel, at the airport. It’s really good, too!
I love books! I hope to
never have to go to an electronic reader, such as Kindle. I’m pretty
tired of electronic devices, by the time I curl up with a book. There’s
just something pure about that kind of joy.
About Jacob Braude
judge and author Jacob Braude was a fount of humorous and inspirational
stories and quotations, which he used to regale the courtroom in Cook
County, Illinois, where he presided for more that 35 years. His books of
sayings, including Speaker’s Encyclopedia of Humor and Braude’s Treasury of Wit and Humor, have been mined by toastmasters and lecturers for decades. He was born in 1896 and died in 1970.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Blood Hound Zentangle
“Laughter is the closest distance between two people.”
– Victor Borge
– Victor Borge
Zentangled Blood Hound
I love that quote! My sister
and I were applying Linseed Oil to our mom’s new fence, while we were
in Idaho. It was hard work… horrible work… yet my sister and I laughed
the whole time. We were getting as much oil on us as we were on the
fence. Laughing non-stop!!! We laughed our hearts out. It was fun and
it was like we hadn’t been apart at all. I love her so much and that
is a memory we will always have.
Another strange zentangle painting. A little odd, but fun for me none the less.
About Victor Borge.
pianist Victor Borge was affectionately known as the Clown Prince of
Denmark. Born as Børge Rosenbaum in 1909 to musician parents, he began
playing piano at age three. After a stint as a classical pianist, he
began combining music and jokes. His anti-Nazi jokes landed him on
Hitler’s enemies list. In 1942, he was named Best New Radio Performer by
the American press. His Comedy in Music show on Broadway was the longest running one-man show in the 1950′s. He died in 2000.
beth parker,
blood hound,
daily affirmations,
Illustration Friday,
victor borge,
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
A Little Watercolor Spark of Madness
“You’re only given a little spark of madness. You mustn’t lose it.”
– Robin Williams
– Robin Williams
My Little Spark of Madness
I don’t know… maybe it’s the
11 days off… in a row… that caused this little painting. Of course the
hubby shakes his head and looks at me funny, but I like it.
I had a great vacation.
Idaho is so beautiful and spending time with my family was priceless! I
really should do that more often than every other year.
About Robin Williams
2005, Robin Williams, the Oscar-winning American actor known for his
wild improvisations and amazing mimicry, was voted by fellow comedians
and comedy insiders as one of the top 50 comedy acts ever. He was born
in 1951 in Chicago, and he first garnered attention as a stand-up comic
in San Francisco. A guest role as the alien Mork on the TV series Happy Days was so popular it led to his own show, Mork and Mindy. He has starred in many successful films, including Mrs. Doubtfire and Good Will Hunting. He has three children.
beth parker,
daily affirmations,
robin williams,
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Eufaula Zentangle Postcard Idea
“A real blessing of growing old is the freedom it gives us to be who we really are. Of course, we could have been our real selves our whole lives. No doubt some of us were. However, far too many of us struggled to impress others with the person we thought we ought to be, and in the process, we lost a lot of real living. Fortunately, it’s never too late to project the real us.
Do we know for certain who we really are? Age is no guarantee that we do. Living through others is not so uncommon, unfortunately, and if that describes us, then we still have the task of discovering who we really are. But let’s think of it as an adventure rather than a task. It’s a journey, one that promises to be full of surprises.
We have earned the right to speak our minds. We have earned the right to whatever beliefs appeal to us. Most particularly, we have earned the right to spend our days fulfilling whatever dreams we want. We’re lucky Being as silly as I want to be today feels good. I have it coming!”
–Karen Casey
“I feel at this age I can go overboard and be as ridiculous as I want.”
–Miriam Hofmeier
Another Postcard Experiment
I’m having fun playing with the ideas for new Eufaula postcards. As a tourist town, we really need more than what is currently out there. I love being able to do this. Since my sign shop offers business card and postcard services, I can get them at cost and share them freely. Perk.
Today is my last work day before my vacation. I am so excited to see my family and spend some alone time in the mountains. I am going to really rest and really play. I plan to even try a zip line! Wheeeeeeee! I’ll try to post some while I’m gone, but no promises. I’m not going to put any pressure on myself for 10 days…. outside of getting to airports in time to catch flights. I might need to pay attention long enough to get on airplanes. he he he
I only take one vacation every other year, so I’m going to make it count. Yes… self employment rocks, but it keeps me really hooked up and busy. I’m looking forward to some of that un-busy stuff.
Miriam M Hofmeier 1906 – 1987 was a member of the Hofmeier family. Miriam was born on May 25, 1906. Miriam died on October 22, 1987 at 81 years old. Miriam M Hofmeier’s last known residence is at Berryville, Carroll County, AR.
Karen Casey, Ph.D., a Naples, FL resident since 1991, published Each Day a New Beginning, her first book, in 1982. This daily meditation book for women in recovery has sold more than 3 million copies. The 25-year Anniversary edition of Each Day a New Beginning was released in August, 2006. It was closely followed by The Promise of a New Day, in 1983, another daily meditation book for both men and women in search of serenity. It has sold more than 1.2 million copies. Following on the heels of these two books, Karen has written 25 additional books. Let Go Now: Embracing Detachment was published a little more than 2 years ago. Peace A Day At a Time, was published in February of 2011. Her memoir, My Story to Yours, which was published as an ebook and available on amazon, along with Hazelden, and was available as a book too in October of 2011. Her newest book in print is Getting Unstuck, a workbook that is a companion to Change Your Mind and Your Life will Follow. It was published fall of 2012. Her newest one: The Good Stuff, a book detailing the positive aspects of growing up in dysfunctional families, (there are positives galore!), will be in print in October, 2013. And the books will continue. Keep checking this website.
beth parker,
daily affirmations,
karen casey,
miriam hofmeier,
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
I would love your opinion...
“They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.”
– Andy Warhol
– Andy Warhol
Eufaula Postcard Possibility
Seriously… I’d love to know
if this works. I am playing with the idea of my art layered with actual
photographs. Tomorrow, I’ll show you another one. I’m thinking the
bright colored one here, with a sailing photo behind it.
I am officially a short
timer. I leave for my Idaho trip on Thursday. I thought I might be
goofing off a little this week, but my sign shop customers had a
different idea. It was crazy in here yesterday. I’ll certainly be
ready for a rest.
About Andy Warhol
Warhol, the American pop artist, is probably best known for his silk
screens of Campbell Soup and Marilyn Monroe. He was born as Andrew
Warhola in Pittsburgh in 1928. His style borrowed from comic books and
advertising; he wanted to remove the separation between commercial and
fine art. His studio, the Factory, became a hub for the New York art
scene. He was also a prolific filmmaker. He was shot three times in the
chest in 1968 and narrowly escaped death. He died in 1987.
Monday, August 19, 2013
White Puppy
the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already
know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”
– Steve Jobs
– Steve Jobs
Little White Puppy
What a face! Don’t you just love puppies? They smell and feel so wonderful when you cuddle them. I’m getting such a late start today. I’ve already had several people in here and the time just flew! How did it get to be 10:00 already?
About Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs, the American computer pioneer who cofounded Apple, was known for his intensity, his brashness, and his focus on elegant design. He was born in 1955 in San Francisco. At age 21, he and Steve Wozniac built the first Apple computer in his garage. Its successor, the Macintosh, introduced the mouse. After Jobs was ousted from Apple, he bought Pixar Animation, creator of Toy Story and Finding Nemo. On his return to Apple, he introduced the iMac and iPod, restoring the company’s luster, then went on to introduce the widely successful iPhone and iPad product lines. He died in 2011 due to complications from pancreatic cancer.
beth parker,
daily affirmations,
steve jobs,
Friday, August 16, 2013
Imagine that you have magnets in your shoes?
best antidote I have found is to yearn for something. As long as you
yearn, you can’t congeal: There is a forward motion to yearning.”
– Gail Godwin
– Gail Godwin
I like that. Yearning has a forward motion.
A Tower with Outside Stairs?
There is just so much wrong
with this, but who cares? It’s a bookmark and what are we doing when we
read a book? We are stretching our imaginations, right? So, imagine
that you have magnets in your shoes and the stairs are steel. You won’t
fall. But, you can lean way out or duck and roll into that lowest
opening. Can’t do that without magnets in your shoes.
About Gail Godwin
American author Gail Godwin is best known for her well-developed characters in such novels as A Mother and Two Daughters, The Odd Woman, and Violet Clay,
all National Book Award nominees. She was born in 1937 in Alabama and
raised in North Carolina. She married and divorced twice and lived with
composer Robert Starer for 25 years until his death in 2001. They
collaborated on ten musical works. She has written 13 novels and two
short-story collections. She lives in Woodstock, New York.
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Working on some new Eufaula Postcard Art
“Man’s main task in life is to give birth to himself, to become what he potentially is.”
– Erich Fromm
– Erich Fromm
Eufaula Postcard Art
Having a little Fun with some
designs for some new Eufaula postcards. I didn’t paint this one with a
black background, but I used Photoshop Elements to add the black. If
you look at the hi res version, you can see how much it needs to be
cleaned up. So this is not ready to go to the printer at all, but it is
a start.
About Erich Fromm
Erich Fromm, the humanist German psychoanalyst and author, is best known for his book, The Art of Loving,
which describes love as care, responsibility, respect, and knowledge.
Born in Germany in 1900, he emigrated to the United States in 1934,
fleeing Hitler’s regime. He taught at a number of universities in the
U.S. and Mexico and wrote eight books delineating his view of human
nature. He believed that modern society makes us feel isolated and long
to reach out to others. He died in 1980.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Love You Dog – Watercolor
“To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.”
– Anatole France
I Love You Dog – Watercolor
It’s love! Of course, he looks like he’d much rather keep the chocolate. I love you… I love chocolate… I love you… I love chocolate. Of course, we know chocolate is bad for dogs.
– Anatole France
I Love You Dog – Watercolor
It’s love! Of course, he looks like he’d much rather keep the chocolate. I love you… I love chocolate… I love you… I love chocolate. Of course, we know chocolate is bad for dogs.
About Anatole France
Anatole France was the pen name of Nobel Prize–winning French author Jacques Anatole François Thibault. He was born in 1844 in Paris. His father was a book dealer, and France spent his life among books, including 14 years as assistant librarian to the French Senate. His novels, including the Contemporary History series and The Gods Are Athirst, often use allegory and religious symbolism as vehicles for moral questions. He died in 1924.
anatole france,
beth parker,
daily affirmations,
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Wooden Puzzle - Pink Dog
“Behold the turtle. He makes progress only when he sticks his neck out.”
– James Bryant Conant
– James Bryant Conant
Pink Dog – Wooden Puzzle
I did a few of these puzzles
as my donation to an animal welfare fundraiser. They were fun and I’d
like to do some again one day!
About James Bryant Conant
Bryant Conant, the American chemist and educator, is known both for his
role in the Manhattan Project — which developed the first nuclear
weapons — and for his innovative tenure as president of Harvard
University. Harvard had been a finishing school for the rich; Conant
turned it into a world-class research university and created aptitude
tests to choose students by ability. These tests became the basis for
the SAT. He was born in Massachusetts in 1893 and died in New Hampshire
in 1978.
beth parker,
daily affirmations,
james bryant conant,
Monday, August 12, 2013
Little Beagle Puppy
“The Noah rule: Predicting rain doesn’t count; building arks does.”
– Warren Buffett
– Warren Buffett
Sweet Little Beagle Puppy
I’m digging into the dog
archive, since we finished with the birds. I am working on some other
projects right now, so no new art to share. I hope you enjoy the dogs.
This one looks guilty. Maybe she just ate your shoe.
About Warren Buffett
Buffett, the legendary American financier known as the Oracle of Omaha,
is the world’s richest man. He was born in Nebraska in 1930. As a
youngster, he sold six-packs of Coke for a profit and first invested in
the stock market at age 11. His first limited partnership reaped
dividends up to 30 percent. He follows the simple but powerful principle
that you should learn about the intrinsic value of a company before you
invest. He is now the CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, a diversified holding
beth parker,
daily affirmations,
Warren Buffett,
Friday, August 9, 2013
See... I can paint bird feet. :)
“You have the power to control the content of your thoughts. Put your attention and energy on what you want to happen. This
is how you harness the power of your intention to create just that. If
you hold in your mind what you want to happen specifically and feel
those feelings, you will be more relaxed and positive, no matter what
comes your way.”
– Terri Cole
Hey Pretty Bird
Well, this is the end of my birds. It’s been fun revisiting them. Have a great weekend and I’ll see you Monday.
Terri Cole is so smart!! Here’s a link to her website: Positively Positive
From the website:
“Positively Positive’s message has swept the globe. Embracing and broadcasting the voices of over one million fellow humans. For us, the response has been both inspiring and humbling.
At its core, Positively Positive is about optimism and inspiration. About seeing the possibility within each person—and within each day gifted us. It’s about wisdom and how we lift one another up to richer, more fulfilling lives. It’s about tapping into our true nature and capacity.
Our goal is simple: to bring uplifting voices and messages to our community every day. Our growing supply of blog posts, videos, and handpicked quotations are designed to remind us that there is good in every situation, and possibility in every person. Our contributors and guests hail from every conceivable walk of life, from Olympic Gold Medalists, to kids fighting for their lives, to everyday people wanting to make a difference in the world.
We’re here every day to help keep your Positivity Tank topped off. And maybe you’ll find something here that brightens your day a little. Or maybe, just maybe, you’ll find something that changes your life.”
– Terri Cole
Hey Pretty Bird
Well, this is the end of my birds. It’s been fun revisiting them. Have a great weekend and I’ll see you Monday.
Terri Cole is so smart!! Here’s a link to her website: Positively Positive
From the website:
“Positively Positive’s message has swept the globe. Embracing and broadcasting the voices of over one million fellow humans. For us, the response has been both inspiring and humbling.
At its core, Positively Positive is about optimism and inspiration. About seeing the possibility within each person—and within each day gifted us. It’s about wisdom and how we lift one another up to richer, more fulfilling lives. It’s about tapping into our true nature and capacity.
Our goal is simple: to bring uplifting voices and messages to our community every day. Our growing supply of blog posts, videos, and handpicked quotations are designed to remind us that there is good in every situation, and possibility in every person. Our contributors and guests hail from every conceivable walk of life, from Olympic Gold Medalists, to kids fighting for their lives, to everyday people wanting to make a difference in the world.
We’re here every day to help keep your Positivity Tank topped off. And maybe you’ll find something here that brightens your day a little. Or maybe, just maybe, you’ll find something that changes your life.”
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Pink Tennies on a Red Toucan
“Lost warriors have only to open their eyes to find the right and good path.“
– Chief Red Mountain
“We all carry a fountain of joy inside. This joy is not something special given to only a few of us. An abundance of joy, happiness, and peace is our right. Our hearts were meant to be full of love and laughter. Life will not be without troubles, but joy and gratitude will heal all wounds and shine through all problems.”
– Nancy Hull-Mast

Red Toucan in Tennies – Watercolor
One may think I don’t like painting bird feet.
I leave for vacation two weeks from today! Yay! I only take one week off every other year, unless I travel for business. Business trips don’t count, although I do try to add a day off to every trip, in case there’s something I want to do in that particular city. I am really looking forward to this trip. I get to spend time with family and some alone artist time. Both good!
I couldn’t find any biographical info on either of these people, but I certainly like what they have to say.
– Chief Red Mountain
“We all carry a fountain of joy inside. This joy is not something special given to only a few of us. An abundance of joy, happiness, and peace is our right. Our hearts were meant to be full of love and laughter. Life will not be without troubles, but joy and gratitude will heal all wounds and shine through all problems.”
– Nancy Hull-Mast
Red Toucan in Tennies – Watercolor
One may think I don’t like painting bird feet.
I leave for vacation two weeks from today! Yay! I only take one week off every other year, unless I travel for business. Business trips don’t count, although I do try to add a day off to every trip, in case there’s something I want to do in that particular city. I am really looking forward to this trip. I get to spend time with family and some alone artist time. Both good!
I couldn’t find any biographical info on either of these people, but I certainly like what they have to say.
beth parker,
Chief Red Mountain,
daily affirmations,
Nancy Hull-Mast,
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Which came first? The tennies or the pink poppy flamingo suit?
“Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit.”
– Peter Ustinov
– Peter Ustinov
Pink Poppy Flamingo in Pink Tennies
This flamingo absolutely
lives in Bethville, where no wardrobe choice is a surprise. When people
look at you and laugh, it’s because your pink poppy outfit makes them
happy. I believe that to our very core, that’s what we all want… to be
By the way, changing themes did not correct my wordpress issues. **sigh**
About Peter Ustinov
British actor Peter Ustinov is best known for his Oscar-winning roles in Topkapi and Spartacus.
He was born in London in 1921 to parents of blended pan-European
extraction. He wrote several plays as well as a well-received
autobiography, Dear Me. From 1969 until his death in 2004, he
took on the role of goodwill ambassador for UNICEF, visiting
disadvantaged children all over the world. He said his multicultural
background gave him automatic loyalty to the UN.
beth parker,
daily affirmations,
peter ustinov,
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
I slipped a grasshopper in on ya....
“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”
– Theodore Seuss Giesel
– Theodore Seuss Giesel
You thought you were going to see another bird?
I slipped this little grasshopper in among the birds for fun. We’ll return to our regularly scheduled program tomorrow.
Has anyone ever seen the periodical cicadas?
They only appear every 13 to 17 years. They mature underground for
all those years, then emerge to fly around and mate. They have been
surrounding us for the last few weeks. They are loud and abundant. We
have them in our neighborhood, but they don’t have them in town. Weird!!!
About Theodore Seuss Giesel
Theodor Seuss Geisel, the beloved Dr. Seuss, is renowned to generations of children as the author of Green Eggs and Ham and other deliciously absurd picture books. He was born in 1904 in Springfield, Massachusetts. His first book, And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street, was rejected 27 times. He wrote The Cat in the Hat after Houghton Mifflin asked him to write a children’s primer using fewer than 250 easy-reader words. He died in 1991.
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