– Anna Freud
4" x 5"
Watercolor on Yes! Canvas paper
I guess this little Christmas Turkey is fitting for today's post, because this just may be her Halloween costume.
"Art that will make you wiggle your butt."
– Anna Freud
– George S. Patton
– Channing Pollack
– Matina Horner
– Blaise Pascal
– Freya Stark
--Gretta Brooker Palmer
Self-centeredness aggravates the natural flow of circumstances surrounding us; too much attention on ourselves distorts whatever might be troubling us. However, focusing on others' needs diminishes what we'd perceived as our own pressing need. This is a simple principle we might all consider adopting.
None of us is free of problems. That's one of life's givens. Through their resolution we grow and ready ourselves for the next group of challenges. Each group we survive enables us to offer better assistance to someone else who will confront a similar problem. Perhaps we'd do well to see all our problems as preparation for guiding someone who will come into our life. Helping someone else is certain to lift spirits and foster happiness, but the unexpected reward is that the helper reaps even greater benefits than the one helped.
My happiness is guaranteed if I help someone else find it today.
by Karen Casey and Martha VanceburgOne of the World's Most Popular Collections of Daily Wisdom...
To Help You Make the Most of Each and Every Day
– Rabbi Hillel
V is for Veggie Patch
2.5" x 3.5" Watercolor & Ink
There's something wonderful about seeing the first little sprouts in the garden!
– Tobias Wolff
American writer and editor Norman Cousins is best known for his book, Anatomy of an Illness, an account of how he used nutrition and positive visualizations, including laughter, to heal from an illness diagnosed as fatal. He was born in New Jersey in 1915. He served many years as editor-in-chief of the Saturday Review, a job he loved. Under his guidance, circulation increased from 20,000 to 650,000. He received the UN Peace Medal for his world activism. He died in 1990.
– Pyotr Tchaikovsky
Pyotr Tchaikovsky, the Russian classical composer best known for the Nutcracker and Swan Lake ballets, was renowned for his passionate melodies and for bringing Western music into the Russian tradition. He was born in Kamsko-Votkinsk in 1840. He taught music until a widow offered her financial patronage, then retired to the country to compose full time. He never met his benefactor.. He died in 1893, just after the first performance of his Sixth Symphony, the "Pathétique."
– Josh Billings
8" x 10" Watercolor on Yupo
I finally spent a little time with my new Yarka travel watercolor set. I like them. They are very rich in pigment. They are almost thick, and never really dry hard on the pallet. There is a stickiness to them, that keeps me from closing the lid and using them for travel, because all the pans stick to the lid. When you open up the lid, all the pans are stuck to it. I guess I could glue them down. Anybody have any ideas?
I learned a few things this time, about working on yupo.
It really does make a difference, if you wipe the whole sheet off with isopropyl alcohol before you start. It removes all the invisible little fingerprints that cause the paint to repel from the yupo. This is why they recommend that you handle yupo with cotton gloves.
I used a barely damp fan brush, to get the details on the grass. I let everything dry really well before I went back in and added the cattle. The whole painting still only took me 30 minutes. I enjoyed the process a lot.
Josh Billings was the pen name of folksy American humorist Henry Wheeler Shaw. He was born in Massachusetts in 1818. After he was thrown out of college for stealing the clapper from the school bell, he roamed far and wide for 26 years before settling down in Poughkeepsie, New York, as an auctioneer. His essays were initially snubbed; he became successful only after he adopted a more eccentric phonetic spelling. He was best known for his annual Old Farmer's Allminax. He died in 1885.
– Sarah Bernhardt
Sarah Bernhardt, the French stage and silent film actress known as the Divine Sarah, was born in Paris in 1844 as Rosine Bernard, the illegitimate daughter of a Jewish courtesan. She began her acting career at age 13 and quickly rose to international stardom. Oscar Wilde wrote the play Salome for her. After her right leg was amputated in 1915, she continued to perform onstage with a prosthetic limb. She was very close to her only child, her son Maurice. She died in 1923.
– Diane Ackerman
Carlos Castaneda (25 December 1925 – 27 April 1998) was a Peruvian-born American author. Starting with The
– Charles Caleb Colton
– Doris Lessing