Thursday, January 27, 2011

Flamingo Flair

“He who cannot change the very fabric of his thought will never be able to change reality.”
– Anwar al-Sadat

Flamingo Flair
Watercolor & Ink

I don’t know a single respectable flamingo who wouldn’t love these shoes!  I have painted a ton of animals with shoes on over the years, but flamingos seem to wear them with flair!  :D

On the news this morning, they were talking about a new line of makeup WalMart is introducing for 8-13 year old girls!  I can hear my mother now… “You’re going to be old a very long time.  Stay young as long as you can!”  Back then, it was agonizing, but now I see her point.  Young is good!  I wore my innocent face until I was 16, and even then, she denied the blue eye shadow.  he he

About Anwar al-Sadat

Egyptian president Anwar al-Sadat won the 1978 Nobel Peace Prize in conjunction with Israeli prime minister Menachim Begin for the Camp David Accords. He was born in Egypt in 1918. He participated in the 1952 coup to oust the corrupt King Farouk and became president in 1970. He led Egypt into the Yom Kippur War to reclaim part of the Sinai Peninsula. When that failed, he took the risky diplomatic path, opening the door to détente. He was assassinated in 1981 by Muslim extremists.

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